Wednesday, August 21, 2019

“Vision Reset”.

We all desire recognition, honor, respect. These Are the metrics by which we judge our success in the world, even our value. This should not be so; for all these things are fleeting. They wax and wane as we go through life. So what then? where do we find lasting value? what can we identify with that will bring lasting meaning to our lives? something that will not merely fall out of vogue as fashions change.

The pat answer is “Our identity in Christ” yet knowing this and the truth behind it; many of us (myself included) need something more tangible something to hold, grasp. In my view this can only come when we realize our true life purpose; the thing we are morally compelled to do. When we find this it brings meaning to our lives. The very fact that we are living breathing and functioning within the context of what we are made to do becomes the metric by which we determine our value and level of success.

If we fail to find our purpose we will latch onto many things that will fail to yield the very meaning we so desire. This is where the development of our foundational life vision becomes critical. If we fail to lay a proper foundation in this we either sell our destiny short by securing small (easily achievable) goals that don’t fulfill, or we become lost, listless, undefined in our life walk. Constantly searching but never achieving, never finding the fulfillment we so desperately seek.

Despite understanding this it seems I’ve gotten off track again. What I originally saw as my life vision has proven incomplete; in that the vision I had set for myself has failed in taking me where I want to go. This is not a failure of the concept of vision but a failure in my ability to implement said concept. In scope my vision was shortsighted, even incomplete in several key areas. This left voids and gaps that demanded to be filled.

And so it’s time to hit the reset button, to start over, to reconfigure the vision and make the necessary changes so In that moving forward the critical areas of life will have the direction necessary to take me to my desired destiny.


Sunday, August 4, 2019

"Made in His image".

I Had recently read an article about why Egyptian artifacts are frequently found with their faces destroyed (particularly their noses) while I won’t go into specifics here the core motivation for this widespread cultural phenomenon according to the author was this; it was a basic cultural belief that damaging the image of the one depicted - damages the person represented either in life or death.

This caused me to reflect on many things that are transpiring in our generation. such as homosexuality and the rise of transgender-ism. fundamentally these beliefs and practices reject the idea that man, his sexual function, and gender were designed to be a specific way; a singular way of divine intention.

Scripture tells us that we are all made in the image of God “Genesis 1:27” we bear His likeness and as His creation we represent Him before the world.

Genesis 1:27 (NASB)
"God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them".

And so if I were opposed to God, I would not only seek to destroy his greatest work - that being mankind - through vehicles such as abortion or genocide for example. but I would also be compelled to destroy the very image of God.

You see, defacing the image in my view has a greater long-term impact than taking a singular life. Once a life is over its direct influence is permanently lost. but if that image is defaced, twisted, Marred, yet allowed to remain it can negatively reflect whom it was created to represent to all who would see it.

And so in a country that professes to be majority Christian, a country that gives a nod to its Judeo-Christian heritage yet legalizes the slaughter of its children, rejects the natural physical distinctions between the genders and rebel's against Godly moral foundations; what does that country’s actions say about the deity it claims to serve?

There are those who would profess to be wise and evangelize their “post Christian” rhetoric. yet their “wisdom” is a continuation of an age old deception that has no other goal than to profane the image of the one true God. given that agenda, it’s clear to whom its practitioners truly belong.
As Solomon once said, there is nothing new under the sun.

Luther Miller III