Thursday, March 5, 2015

"The Call".

Matthew 4:19(a)
And he said to them, "follow me.......".

In that moment we are faced with the decision, to go or to stay, to be about our business or the Lords. We are translated to a crossroads that will forever change our lives. A divine intersection. The choice to follow presents many questions;

  • Do I have what it takes?
  • Do I know the cost? 
  • Will I be able to satisfy the one who calls?

Surely the disciples had these questions and more flash before them as would any man, and yet their response - "Immediately" (vs. 20). Leaving their nets, casting them into the sea of forgetfulness; leaving behind the comforts of security and provision. The known for the unknown.

And so, when HE calls us we stand upon the cliffs edge; looking to the depths below, that great unknown. In an instantaneous moment we are compelled to make our decision and forever be changed. unable to go back - if we fail to move forward we remain fixed, stagnated, until we choose the path set before us.

And so the question becomes; will you stay or go? will you follow the one that gave everything - the one who loves even unto death?

When HE calls, will you jump!


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