Monday, March 11, 2019

"External Voices".

We are subject to so many inputs, from the secular media, prevailing culture, family, friends, and even our own internal voices of doubt and disbelief. It’s what we do with this input that determines our outlook upon life.

While we must carefully discern which of the many voices we choose to listen to (and it is our choice); one qualifier to bear in mind is the issue of failure. Failure can be a lesson, which leads to experience, which in turn can be an effective teacher. So in this we need not disregard those voices that have experienced past failure for they may have valuable lessons to teach.

The qualifying issue must be the issue of consistent failure within a single area for that is the dis-qualifier. It reveals not experience but a failure to learn the lessons at hand despite repeated attempts. Therefore this “voice” is not qualified to speak into anyone’s life, it is wholly detrimental and we would be foolish to give heed to its instruction.

Luke 6:40 (NASB)
“A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher”.

One must never give ear to someone (something) who has demonstrated consistent failure in an area. For if you do you will learn to repeat their mistakes and your life will pattern theirs.


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