Sunday, May 24, 2015

"True Desire".

Song of Solomon 5:16a (NASB)

“His mouth is full of sweetness.
And he is wholly desirable....."

What does it mean to be wholly desirable?
We could talk about physicality, the attributes of the body that please the eye. We could discuss status, wealth and the attractiveness such power commands. We could talk of a host of things that make our own personal notions of desirability. I
 believe such talk to be a false economy, empty of substance. For beauty fades when ravaged by time. social standing and wealth have proven themselves to be fleeting commodities.

What truly is a "mouth full of  sweetness"; words spoken that bring life to others, words that heal, words that express genuine love. This desirable; this is the sweetness we crave, this is what we will hold to after everything else fades away, those words will carry us through the deepest valleys to the highest peaks.

Now the question; am I wholly desirable?
Do the words I speak taste of sweet waters, or does it offend the palette, reflecting an embittered soul?

And so my prayer becomes:
May my words draw others with sweetness. Let me abandon the militant retorts in favor of loving corrections, to lead and guide with the voice of a shepherd. Would my speech reflect the one whose name I bear, speaking as i have been spoken to. in this manner - let me be wholly desirable.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

“A Window Of Time”.

The significance of “555”

Have you ever had one of those moments where all the pieces seem to fit; where the celestial bodies that comprised your search suddenly align and the answer you've been seeking presents itself in full eclipse of your query?

Recently I have had just such an experience.
The context; for the past several months I have been waking up at 5:55 am. I have come to realize that this is more than coincidence, and am confident that the Lord is trying to reveal something to me. Yet I struggled to find the revelation of this “sign”. While others have spoken concerning “5:55 am”; I found little that resonated with me personally, short of 5 being the number of grace (as it relates to biblical numerology). What did resonate with my spirit; given my brief foray into the study of electronics, was a particular integrated circuit commonly known as the “555 Timer”. This device controls the clocking or timing functions of a circuit, and so I began to consider the aspect of time or timing as I pursued revelation.

Then it happened, on a non-descript Sunday, I heard a scripture referenced; while the pastors’ topic was unrelated, I knew that the passage in question was the key to revelation. The verses being:

Genesis 8:6-7 (ASV)
And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: (7) and he sent forth a raven, and it went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

Here Noah, the one who controlled the window of the ark; set the opportune time to release the raven. The raven. The sent one; the one who prepared the way (like the Baptist) for the dove.

Revelation has eclipsed my questioning and my answer has presented itself. For me 555 signifies a window of time, for going forward TO DO (over and above TO BE). With the abounding evils in this world, and mans ever increasing depravity, it is time for believers, myself included to go forward in this window of time – to do the works of whose name we bear. To be like the raven; heralding the coming of the dove. This grace filled window of time is now open; signifying the close of the season of mere identification and the beginning of a season of pointed action.

The raven has wings and voice; and in this window of time, it must fly and speak or forever remain locked within the vessel of a bygone era. We cannot (I cannot) dare exempt ourselves from this call.
