Saturday, March 1, 2014

“With persecution”.

Mark 10:30 (ESV).
“Who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and in the age to come eternal life”.

It’s curious how many have missed those two little words near the end of this verse. We look to God for a multitude of blessings, for all our provision, we preach of his great benefits and yet forget how Jesus himself said we would get all these things "with persecutions”. How is it that we expect to live in a fallen, broken world that has shown itself to be hostile to the very idea of a sovereign God. A world that has been at best antagonistic toward his followers, at worst has bestowed the cruelest hatred upon kingdom citizens. If we live in such a dark place does it not occur to us that we may experience difficulty?

This gives me pause, and causes me to reflect upon what it means to be a Christian. I see those that abandon their faith at the hint of persecution. Or wander when the Lords blessings seemingly “dry up”. I wonder; have we truly counted the cost – the cost of being a believer in Christ? Or is our faith rooted more in the offerings of his hands than in who he is. Are we prepared to face the persecutions of this age?

Even still there is hope; for in Christ we can overcome this world. In Christ we can have peace in the middle of the storms of persecution. We should never think that life with Christ is an easy trouble free one, quite the opposite. The high call of Christianity requires a level of strength, conviction, and fortitude that many are unwilling to cultivate. Thus staying in Christ keeps us centered in our hope. Hope that transcends our circumstances; hope that rises above our difficulties. Hope that leads to eternal life in the age to come. We are promised trouble, but we are also promised victory.

If today you find yourself wavering in one of life’s storms, be encouraged in the fact that the God of all creation has come down from the heights to carry you through. Let this world continue to stand against His chosen – though they slay us they can do no harm. For He desires that your life be one of victory and joy in His presence; and he will see you through to that end.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement. The body of Christ really needs this. In the midst of the storm we find out if we are really committed.