Saturday, July 19, 2014

Haiti : Day 2

The following is a transcript of my journal entries chronicling the events of my first mission trip (with wife in tow) to Croix Des Bouquets, Haiti:

June 17 / 2014
Day 2, Tuesday

I hate travel. We slept in the airport in Florida, which proved less than accommodating. The best way to describe how I’m feeling is “a grilled cheese sandwich that has been left out” – rubbery and greasy.

We got underway – resumed our security dance and eventually boarded. I caught a glimpse of our very young looking pilot, and given our accelerated ascent I have no doubts that his name badge read “Ramjet R.”, but after an otherwise uneventful flight terminated by a “off-roading in a plane” landing we were in Haiti.

We were greeted by the wonderful sounds of local musicians. With all the fanfare it was impossible not to get caught up in the atmosphere of excitement touched with anticipation. Moving through security was mundane for most, and even for those who did have hindrances, they were minor and summarily resolved. It was here at the entrance of the airport doorway that the gravity of a new land impacted me. Stepping over the threshold – from one world into the next, I was truly in Haiti!

Arrival scenery.

Arrival scenery.

 [10:00am] Fatigue is really kicking my butt. I feel sick and lack of sleep is causing me to exhibit some nervous trembling in my hands. it is becoming increasingly difficult to formulate thoughts and so forsaking any kind of settling in, I attempted to rest. I had felt two familiar hands placed upon me and heard words of comfort before falling asleep. My wife’s prayer really made a difference; even though I was unresponsive I knew the spirit was working through her on my behalf.

One of the "Restroom facilities" we encountered.
Random view from the hotel.

The hotel accommodations are so far below our Americanized standards there really is no basis for comparison. We do have running water, a “mostly” flushing toilet, and an air conditioning when the power was on (our unit was new when president Regan was in office, which turned out to actually work in our favor). Thankful for a few hours of much needed sleep, we ate lunch – which was amazing in its simplicity. Now rested and fed; we spent the remainder of the day fellowshipping with various team members. And concluded the day with the evening meal and a time of “corporate / community” worship and group devotions.

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