Friday, December 11, 2015


  As ringing bells herald this Christmas season, another city church has gone silent. The West Genesee United Methodist Church in Syracuse has closed its doors, and recently auctioned off […]
Landmark Syracuse Church Closes after 140 Years

Sustainability is defined as “the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely”.  This has become the buzzword concerning environmental impact, as well as a descriptor for social causes. But what if we were to apply this to our concept of “church”? To put it another way, is the current “American” expression of church sustainable given the increasing level of persecution from the media and government?

There are ever increasing legislative decisions being proposed and passed that are blatantly hostile to the Christian faith; if this persecution follows its logical course we very well may experience in our lifetimes the type of anti-Christian treatment that our brothers and sister in the 10 / 40 window countries are enduring. In America we can no longer afford to naively believe that “it could never happen here”; the fact is (at least in the beginning stages) it IS happening here.

This brings me back to the question; can our centralized mega church model of Christian expression last given increasing persecution levels? I personally don’t think it can. I say this because historically it hasn’t proved so in other areas of the world. What has proven successful is fragmentation; not to be confused with denominational-ism, but fragmentation in the sense of smaller groups that are disconnected by geography yet still unified. I believe that therein lies the solution to the coming problem.

As a preemptive move toward “church sustainability” would it not be advisable to adopt a pattern of smaller geographically separated groups of believers who are yet networked to a traditional central hub? This has many benefits in an atmosphere of rising persecution. Primarily being that should the central church ever become inaccessible, the “body” would remain intact, (albeit fragmented) allowing the “church” to continue its mission and mandate. Secondly this vehicle would allow for the participation of believers and the use of their gifts – and the fulfillment of their callings, which might not otherwise happen given the lack of local opportunities within a singular church structure (ex. more people than positions). Thirdly this gives every believer the opportunity to expand the kingdom while staying unified to, fed by, and supported with the corporate gathering.

In a season of rising persecution, and should the church as we know it cease to be viable; the collective message of the cross of Christ, and his soon return can still resonate across our land emanating from small pockets of committed believers. After all when we consider that this was the historical model of the early church it lends credence to its adoption as the NEW model for the Christian church in our age.

This is not fear mongering, yet we know things are destined to grow much darker before “The light” comes again; this may be one possible solution to a coming problem, or not. I do know this; that American Christianity no longer works. We have ceased for some time now to be able to impact our culture and its citizens, our “numbers” are dwindling and more and more churches are closing their doors. If we fail to change to adapt to the situation at large we run the risk of forfeiting our place in the “Divine plan of the ages”.


Friday, November 27, 2015


Today I woke up to a beautiful woman.

Not just any woman, but one who has pledged to share her life with mine; - she is my wife, queen of heart and home, a source of abundant joy.

I find it amazing that another human being would so selflessly share her life in such a way that she reveals her hopes and dreams at the risk of ridicule and indifference. Shares her body and if the pleasure of that intimacy wasnt enough, I recive the fruits of her womb. In this season of thankfullness she is one of the many things I am thankfull for; for in her I recive Gods goodness in my life.

We know that if we are in christ we are never alone. And yet when knowledge of that fact and my emotions do not align, I can reach for her hand and I am reminded that my God - his provision in her - is very near.

So for those of you who are enjoying the covenant of marriage, continue to give thanks to God for that provision. And for those who have yet to experience said relationship; fear not God is faithfull and he will provide the desire of your heart.


Monday, November 2, 2015

"On Leadership".

Luke 22:26
"But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant. NASB

I've been thinking recently about what it means to be a "leader" in the body of Christ. We all have to live with varying authorities over our lives, and we frequently turn to the leaders of those institutions to help us navigate the various roads of life. Sometimes we encounter leaders who fail us, abuse us, abandon us and on rare occasion actually lead us closer to our destiny.

So, what kind of leader am I?

What role have I played in helping or hindering those who have either sought my leadership or have been placed under my charge? In my experience I have discovered two distinct types of leaders especially within the body of Christ; those being "True leaders" and "Placeholders".

As leaders we are called to empower, guide, support, and disciple those we've been entrusted with. It is our mission and mandate to see them achieve their God given destiny.

This is the fundamental difference between a: "True leader" - One who aids and assists others, (even to their own detriment), one who guides toward a particular destination. and a "Placeholder" - One who occupies a position (enjoying the benefits of that position), with no thoughts toward advancement for themselves or others.

If we are called to be leaders we must be keenly aware of where and how were leading others. For we are responsible for our role in their journey. How we minister determines the type of leaders we are, for if ministry flows from the heart our hearts must be healed from every offense, for we minister out of that which is within. So it must be with holy fear that we disciple for we create with God's people a likeness of our internal nature in the lives of someone else.

So the question we all must ask of ourselves regarding our leadership is this - Does the condition of my heart qualify me as a "True leader" or a "Placeholder"?


Monday, September 28, 2015

“The Spiritual Ministry of the Archer”.

A while back I had a dream in which I saw myself and my entire family in our backyard shooting bows and arrows, as I stood from afar (a spectator position) an unknown person came along side and stated (regarding my family) “If they are nothing else, they are archers”.

A strange dream to be sure, but as I meditated upon it revelation began to grow. Much of this understanding comes from studying the English Long-Bowman and how they operated in battle. The resulting spiritual applications are based in part upon my own experiences and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

The following is a categorical flow of the revelatory thought process, I trust it’s not too much of a spiritualization and that the application may be useful to some.


Peasant class initially, Grew in prominence to equivalent class with cavalrymen. Their social status increased with continued use / need in warfare. They ranged from elite to ordinary as it related to Class hierarchy.


Subordinate role, support to the infantry. Capable of maintaining their own equipment. Organized in companies under officers and standard bearers. They did however require support from “Pavise carriers” or shield bearers.


Essential in holding enemy cavalry at bay. Suppressing enemy firepower. Traditionally they begin the action on the battlefield advancing in front of the main body of the infantry (contrary to most movie portrayals). Noted for their aggressive skirmishing in advance of the main army. They were famed for their volume and accuracy of their shooting. Also deployed on the flanks or between divisions of army.


Vulnerable to enemy attacks without proper protection. May require assistance to maintain prolonged rates of fire. Requires long periods of training and practice to obtain mastery. May be subject to the hostilities of those over them (abuse by authority).

Biblical references:

Most noted was Johnathan, 1 Sam 20:18-23 / 1 Sam 2035-38 / 2 Sam 1:22.
  1. ·         “Subordinated his own claim to the throne of Israel to his best friend, to the point of repeatedly incurring the wrath of king Saul, his own father” – (“A true arrow”, Al Gray).
  2. ·         Provided symbols of danger or warning (Johnathan & David).
  3. ·         Symbol of victory, or prophetic action (Jehoash King of Israel)
          - 2 Kings 13:14-19.

“Arrow” – a weapon designed to be shot, projectile, a mark or sign used to show direction or position.
“Shoot / Shot” – move suddenly or rapidly in a particular direction. To fire or discharge from a weapon.


“The Spiritual Ministry of the Archer”:

Archers may come from anywhere within the body of Christ, from the laity to leadership. Archers have the potential to establish a prominent “social standing” within the body.
The specific role of the archer is a support role to the leadership over a local congregation. This may manifest itself in the following:
  1. ·         Defensive activities – protection of leaders, congregation, house vision, etc.
  2. ·         Initiate action within the body – taking “Point” in implementing the directives of leadership. A type of offensive activity.
  3. ·         Providing support alongside or within the body – a sidelines or behind the scenes role.

“The archer is expected to submit to the authority of their leaders while being mature enough to rightly handle the responsibility of their assignments”.

The archer practically points out signs of danger to the body either naturally or spiritually through the discernment gifts. Also the archer motivates the body to action via prophetic words and decrees, as well as words of encouragement. The archer also serves in auxiliary ministries performing hands on tasks as required.

It will be imperative for the archer to function under the protective covering (both natural and spiritual) of local leadership as he / she has a limited capacity for self-protection, this is especially important when engaged in spiritual warfare.

The ministry of the archer is developed within an individual over a long period of time, as such it should only be seen (in fullness) in seasoned believers, marks or signs of the archer may be noted among less mature believers.

An archers activity by nature is intermittent (as needed) thus during times of prolonged use an archer will require assistance from the body to maintain consistency in their efforts. Like any subordinate role the archer may encounter misuse or abuse from those in authority, maturity to handle this will be necessary to avoid offenses within the body.

So this for me has shed some light on some of the personal roles I’ve had in ministry and in my faith walk. Maybe it can be of some use to like-minded believers out there as well.


Monday, June 29, 2015

"A Time of Division".

Last week marked one of the darkest days in Americas spiritual history since Roe V. Wade. In reference to Roe V. Wade, the churches indifference and apathy allowed the murder of our most prescious resource to be justified. Now due in part by the churches insular culture, we have failed to oppose the legal establishing of what scripture clearly calls an abomination within our land.

This recent supreme court decision primarily underscores not the approval of immorality in our nation but the total innefectiveness of the American church to influence the culture. Of course the divorce rate within the church speaks to the value we place on the instiution of marriage, regardless of the rhetoric we espouse.

As belivers we understand that dark days will come as the close of the age draws near. And with that darkness the coming judgement of God. We cannot stop this world from marching toward its destruction; yet let us not assume that our status (or better to say our affiliation) will exempt us from God's judgement. We are a people who have been called to be salt and light in a decaying world. We are the Lord's emmisaries in this age and we will be called to give an account for our role in that assingment.

2Corinthians 5:10  "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil".

The lines have been drawn and will only continue to get wider, the season of apathy and indifference is quickly drawing to a close. It is time for all belivers to decide which side were on, that of God or that of man.

Let this recent event be our clarion call; to awaken to our calling and priestly position. If we continue to slumber we will see more darkness, more depravity, and the accompyning persecution overtake the remaining fragments of this nation.

Hence my response to the supreme courts decision:

A Prayer of  Repentance:

Please forgive me for failing to represent you in this culture.
Please forgive me for condemning those who have chosen to live contrary to your word insted of reaching out to them with the same love and compassion that you have shown me.
Please forgive us for insulating our self from the world you have called us to change.

Grant us the grace to speak your truth with boldness tempered with love.
Give us a heart like yours, to reach the lost and dying of this world.
Cause our every action to show ourselves as salt and light; to be your emmisaries till your kingdom comes in its fullness. 

In Jesus name


Sunday, May 24, 2015

"True Desire".

Song of Solomon 5:16a (NASB)

“His mouth is full of sweetness.
And he is wholly desirable....."

What does it mean to be wholly desirable?
We could talk about physicality, the attributes of the body that please the eye. We could discuss status, wealth and the attractiveness such power commands. We could talk of a host of things that make our own personal notions of desirability. I
 believe such talk to be a false economy, empty of substance. For beauty fades when ravaged by time. social standing and wealth have proven themselves to be fleeting commodities.

What truly is a "mouth full of  sweetness"; words spoken that bring life to others, words that heal, words that express genuine love. This desirable; this is the sweetness we crave, this is what we will hold to after everything else fades away, those words will carry us through the deepest valleys to the highest peaks.

Now the question; am I wholly desirable?
Do the words I speak taste of sweet waters, or does it offend the palette, reflecting an embittered soul?

And so my prayer becomes:
May my words draw others with sweetness. Let me abandon the militant retorts in favor of loving corrections, to lead and guide with the voice of a shepherd. Would my speech reflect the one whose name I bear, speaking as i have been spoken to. in this manner - let me be wholly desirable.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

“A Window Of Time”.

The significance of “555”

Have you ever had one of those moments where all the pieces seem to fit; where the celestial bodies that comprised your search suddenly align and the answer you've been seeking presents itself in full eclipse of your query?

Recently I have had just such an experience.
The context; for the past several months I have been waking up at 5:55 am. I have come to realize that this is more than coincidence, and am confident that the Lord is trying to reveal something to me. Yet I struggled to find the revelation of this “sign”. While others have spoken concerning “5:55 am”; I found little that resonated with me personally, short of 5 being the number of grace (as it relates to biblical numerology). What did resonate with my spirit; given my brief foray into the study of electronics, was a particular integrated circuit commonly known as the “555 Timer”. This device controls the clocking or timing functions of a circuit, and so I began to consider the aspect of time or timing as I pursued revelation.

Then it happened, on a non-descript Sunday, I heard a scripture referenced; while the pastors’ topic was unrelated, I knew that the passage in question was the key to revelation. The verses being:

Genesis 8:6-7 (ASV)
And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: (7) and he sent forth a raven, and it went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

Here Noah, the one who controlled the window of the ark; set the opportune time to release the raven. The raven. The sent one; the one who prepared the way (like the Baptist) for the dove.

Revelation has eclipsed my questioning and my answer has presented itself. For me 555 signifies a window of time, for going forward TO DO (over and above TO BE). With the abounding evils in this world, and mans ever increasing depravity, it is time for believers, myself included to go forward in this window of time – to do the works of whose name we bear. To be like the raven; heralding the coming of the dove. This grace filled window of time is now open; signifying the close of the season of mere identification and the beginning of a season of pointed action.

The raven has wings and voice; and in this window of time, it must fly and speak or forever remain locked within the vessel of a bygone era. We cannot (I cannot) dare exempt ourselves from this call.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

"The Priority Of The Bride".

Revelation 19:7 NASB

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”

We must remember that the church as an institution or corporate entity if you will, is nothing more than the "dress" of the bride. That statement is not meant to disparage the church. For this dress should be made beautiful, unsullied from the filth of man's tradition and religious controls. Hence it behoves us believers to ensure the brides dress is everything it should be. That it's express purpose of accentuating the brides beauty is achieved.

Yet if anything should be perfected let it be the bride herself, let us expend every effort in the cultivation of her beauty and spirit; to prepare her for the life she is about to enter into.

For after all the pomp and circumstance of the wedding ceremony is over, the groom will escort her to the inner chamber (that has been made ready) where the dress; no matter how beautiful and intricate it's details, will be removed. And the union which was so anticipated will be consummated.

From that point on the "dress" will be an artifact of cherished memory relegated to eternal storage. The groom, spending his days gazing upon his bride as he pulls her into his bosom.

My point is thus: Let the "bride" be perfect, and let the earthly glory of the "church" fade. For soon the groom comes.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

“The Great Nothing”.

2 Thessalonians 1:11 NASB
“To this end also we pray for you always, that our God will count you worthy of your calling, and fulfill every desire for goodness and the work of faith with power”.

What prevents us from forward momentum? What thing lurks in the dark recesses, waiting to pounce? While we may not know its name, we can feel its presence the moment we become still. Breathing upon our neck, we smell it, hear it, and it remains unseen.

“The nothing” – that great wolf that devours our creative energies, our hopes and dreams. He that stands between us and desire. Yet I cannot stand still, I cannot give in, I must rage against the coming darkness. I will flee his claws of apathy that would enclose my heart in their cold grasp.

It is not within me to sit idle, to do nothing, to waste away with only the whispers of that beast to torment me, to be prey for the wolf. No, I know to whom I belong – and His call is one of movement, of action. I shall resist.

And so if I am to be true to my Lord, I must rise up and walk. It is not for me to know the way ahead; it is for me to merely follow. Forsaking my own vain interpretation of following for the true path of a disciple. Thus with all that is within, I will stand, I will follow, I will answer his call and be counted worthy.


Saturday, March 28, 2015

"Who's Kingdom is it anyway".

[From 2010]

Romans 2:13 ESV
"For it in not the hearers of the law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the law who will be justified".

Today I just finished powerwashing my deck. This is one of many tasks in the two week preparation for my sons 1st birthday party. As my wife is meticulously sorting and arranging items for tomorrow's garage sale, I began to think about all the work involved in getting ready for this event.

Were cleaning our home as if the president were coming to inspect it. Selling our unneeded possessions in order to fund this perfect atmosphere of fellowship and celebration. All this effort in which the guest of honor will doubtfully remember the days events and yet without hesitation we give ourselves to this ridiculous process for no other reason than that it makes us and our children happy; - for the day at least.

What if we took this same attitude and action toward Jesus Christ's imminent return? For hasn't christ called us to prepare for his return; not for a few weeks but daily, for our entire lives? Haven't we been called to shun materialism - even to the point of using our means of income to support His kingdom?

I think about the energy I give to so many temporal things, things with at best little eternal value, yet more often have no spiritual significance whatsoever. If I were to channel this same energy into diligently seeking the Lord and preparing my life for His return (and all that that entails) I wonder how much further along spiritually I would be. It's quite possible that the biggest hinderance to our spiritual maturity and growth is the fact that we are Not honestly living for God, but in reality were living only for our own selfish kingdoms.

This brings me to the confrontational question: "If a disciple is someone who lives for Christ in every possible way, can I truly call myself one?"


Thursday, March 5, 2015

"The Call".

Matthew 4:19(a)
And he said to them, "follow me.......".

In that moment we are faced with the decision, to go or to stay, to be about our business or the Lords. We are translated to a crossroads that will forever change our lives. A divine intersection. The choice to follow presents many questions;

  • Do I have what it takes?
  • Do I know the cost? 
  • Will I be able to satisfy the one who calls?

Surely the disciples had these questions and more flash before them as would any man, and yet their response - "Immediately" (vs. 20). Leaving their nets, casting them into the sea of forgetfulness; leaving behind the comforts of security and provision. The known for the unknown.

And so, when HE calls us we stand upon the cliffs edge; looking to the depths below, that great unknown. In an instantaneous moment we are compelled to make our decision and forever be changed. unable to go back - if we fail to move forward we remain fixed, stagnated, until we choose the path set before us.

And so the question becomes; will you stay or go? will you follow the one that gave everything - the one who loves even unto death?

When HE calls, will you jump!


Thursday, February 12, 2015

"The Gateway to Heart and Mind".

"How you present yourself; determines your spiritual accessibility to the lives of others".

Is it enough that I move past my apprehension and fear or is there more to sharing the gospel? You see it does matter what those within our sphere of influence think; concerning our behaviours and attitudes. For it is on this basis that we have or do not have platform to minister. We can be masters of speech, possessors of a gilded tongue, with the proofs of our educational achievements beyond dispute. Yet if our actions betray all these, then our voice will go unheard by the masses.

  • Am I militant, so as to be un-accepting of others perceived weaknesses?
  • Is my demeanor one of underlying hostility - betraying the man of peace I should be?
  • Do I play the fool, displaying a lack of wisdom?
  • Am I aloof, showing no compassion?
  • Do I echo that same voice of disapproval I received before entering the grace of salvation; its core message - you're not good enough?

When it comes to ministry, that relationship where one shares from their heart and the other receives with an open heart - perception on the side of the recipient becomes the gateway by which we gain entrance. If we are perceived as men of worth, we will be received as such, if as false we shall find the entrance barred. Those who walk in shadow cannot truly represent a kingdom of light.

It is to our benefit then to ensure our conduct lines up with our words, in that condition even the simple man of worth may reach the ears of the nobles,

1 Peter 2:12 (NASB)

"Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation".


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Chasing Killdeer".

Proverbs 1:17
"But a net is spread in vain before the eyes of them that have wings".
(Douay-Rheims Bible)

Every time I hear their distinctive call, I am taken back to childhood memories of a time when I ran the field near our suburbanite dwelling. I spent so much time chasing these animals; so much time as a young boy believing I could catch them, so much time being deceived by their unique ability to feign injury. Chasing them was an adventure; yet in many ways I can still hear them calling to me.

Filled with the hope of accomplishment, significance, and (dare I say) self worth, as it relates to ministry; in my craving for that adventure, my efforts have proven to be a response to the calls of the proverbial Killdeer. I have come to realize that too much of my life's energy has been spent running, chasing after something that appears to be attainable only to have it fly off away from my grasp - right at the moment of seeming possession.

In reflecting on this; in some ways I'm still that little boy running through a field chasing that which I cannot obtain. As a man, even though I've been told you can't catch these "silly little birds", with indifference to reality it seems I've decided to go to the field and chase.

The effects of this prolonged effort are seeds of fear, jealousy, and bitterness planted deep within the soul. A striving which drives one farther and farther from their first love. It is for these reasons that I can no longer "chase" ministry. I must cease that which has proven to be unobtainable; at least in this season of life. Even still I hope to do something of significance for His kingdom and I do hold the belief that someday I will see that manifest. For my spiritual well being I must turn my ear away from the voice of the Killdeer, and towards the voice of my Lord.

Even for boys who chase birds in the field, there is a time to abandon the adventure and return home.
