Monday, June 29, 2015

"A Time of Division".

Last week marked one of the darkest days in Americas spiritual history since Roe V. Wade. In reference to Roe V. Wade, the churches indifference and apathy allowed the murder of our most prescious resource to be justified. Now due in part by the churches insular culture, we have failed to oppose the legal establishing of what scripture clearly calls an abomination within our land.

This recent supreme court decision primarily underscores not the approval of immorality in our nation but the total innefectiveness of the American church to influence the culture. Of course the divorce rate within the church speaks to the value we place on the instiution of marriage, regardless of the rhetoric we espouse.

As belivers we understand that dark days will come as the close of the age draws near. And with that darkness the coming judgement of God. We cannot stop this world from marching toward its destruction; yet let us not assume that our status (or better to say our affiliation) will exempt us from God's judgement. We are a people who have been called to be salt and light in a decaying world. We are the Lord's emmisaries in this age and we will be called to give an account for our role in that assingment.

2Corinthians 5:10  "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil".

The lines have been drawn and will only continue to get wider, the season of apathy and indifference is quickly drawing to a close. It is time for all belivers to decide which side were on, that of God or that of man.

Let this recent event be our clarion call; to awaken to our calling and priestly position. If we continue to slumber we will see more darkness, more depravity, and the accompyning persecution overtake the remaining fragments of this nation.

Hence my response to the supreme courts decision:

A Prayer of  Repentance:

Please forgive me for failing to represent you in this culture.
Please forgive me for condemning those who have chosen to live contrary to your word insted of reaching out to them with the same love and compassion that you have shown me.
Please forgive us for insulating our self from the world you have called us to change.

Grant us the grace to speak your truth with boldness tempered with love.
Give us a heart like yours, to reach the lost and dying of this world.
Cause our every action to show ourselves as salt and light; to be your emmisaries till your kingdom comes in its fullness. 

In Jesus name


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