Thursday, February 12, 2015

"The Gateway to Heart and Mind".

"How you present yourself; determines your spiritual accessibility to the lives of others".

Is it enough that I move past my apprehension and fear or is there more to sharing the gospel? You see it does matter what those within our sphere of influence think; concerning our behaviours and attitudes. For it is on this basis that we have or do not have platform to minister. We can be masters of speech, possessors of a gilded tongue, with the proofs of our educational achievements beyond dispute. Yet if our actions betray all these, then our voice will go unheard by the masses.

  • Am I militant, so as to be un-accepting of others perceived weaknesses?
  • Is my demeanor one of underlying hostility - betraying the man of peace I should be?
  • Do I play the fool, displaying a lack of wisdom?
  • Am I aloof, showing no compassion?
  • Do I echo that same voice of disapproval I received before entering the grace of salvation; its core message - you're not good enough?

When it comes to ministry, that relationship where one shares from their heart and the other receives with an open heart - perception on the side of the recipient becomes the gateway by which we gain entrance. If we are perceived as men of worth, we will be received as such, if as false we shall find the entrance barred. Those who walk in shadow cannot truly represent a kingdom of light.

It is to our benefit then to ensure our conduct lines up with our words, in that condition even the simple man of worth may reach the ears of the nobles,

1 Peter 2:12 (NASB)

"Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation".


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