Tuesday, January 27, 2015

"Chasing Killdeer".

Proverbs 1:17
"But a net is spread in vain before the eyes of them that have wings".
(Douay-Rheims Bible)

Every time I hear their distinctive call, I am taken back to childhood memories of a time when I ran the field near our suburbanite dwelling. I spent so much time chasing these animals; so much time as a young boy believing I could catch them, so much time being deceived by their unique ability to feign injury. Chasing them was an adventure; yet in many ways I can still hear them calling to me.

Filled with the hope of accomplishment, significance, and (dare I say) self worth, as it relates to ministry; in my craving for that adventure, my efforts have proven to be a response to the calls of the proverbial Killdeer. I have come to realize that too much of my life's energy has been spent running, chasing after something that appears to be attainable only to have it fly off away from my grasp - right at the moment of seeming possession.

In reflecting on this; in some ways I'm still that little boy running through a field chasing that which I cannot obtain. As a man, even though I've been told you can't catch these "silly little birds", with indifference to reality it seems I've decided to go to the field and chase.

The effects of this prolonged effort are seeds of fear, jealousy, and bitterness planted deep within the soul. A striving which drives one farther and farther from their first love. It is for these reasons that I can no longer "chase" ministry. I must cease that which has proven to be unobtainable; at least in this season of life. Even still I hope to do something of significance for His kingdom and I do hold the belief that someday I will see that manifest. For my spiritual well being I must turn my ear away from the voice of the Killdeer, and towards the voice of my Lord.

Even for boys who chase birds in the field, there is a time to abandon the adventure and return home.


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