Sunday, April 19, 2015

"The Priority Of The Bride".

Revelation 19:7 NASB

"Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”

We must remember that the church as an institution or corporate entity if you will, is nothing more than the "dress" of the bride. That statement is not meant to disparage the church. For this dress should be made beautiful, unsullied from the filth of man's tradition and religious controls. Hence it behoves us believers to ensure the brides dress is everything it should be. That it's express purpose of accentuating the brides beauty is achieved.

Yet if anything should be perfected let it be the bride herself, let us expend every effort in the cultivation of her beauty and spirit; to prepare her for the life she is about to enter into.

For after all the pomp and circumstance of the wedding ceremony is over, the groom will escort her to the inner chamber (that has been made ready) where the dress; no matter how beautiful and intricate it's details, will be removed. And the union which was so anticipated will be consummated.

From that point on the "dress" will be an artifact of cherished memory relegated to eternal storage. The groom, spending his days gazing upon his bride as he pulls her into his bosom.

My point is thus: Let the "bride" be perfect, and let the earthly glory of the "church" fade. For soon the groom comes.


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