Monday, November 2, 2015

"On Leadership".

Luke 22:26
"But it is not this way with you, but the one who is the greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the servant. NASB

I've been thinking recently about what it means to be a "leader" in the body of Christ. We all have to live with varying authorities over our lives, and we frequently turn to the leaders of those institutions to help us navigate the various roads of life. Sometimes we encounter leaders who fail us, abuse us, abandon us and on rare occasion actually lead us closer to our destiny.

So, what kind of leader am I?

What role have I played in helping or hindering those who have either sought my leadership or have been placed under my charge? In my experience I have discovered two distinct types of leaders especially within the body of Christ; those being "True leaders" and "Placeholders".

As leaders we are called to empower, guide, support, and disciple those we've been entrusted with. It is our mission and mandate to see them achieve their God given destiny.

This is the fundamental difference between a: "True leader" - One who aids and assists others, (even to their own detriment), one who guides toward a particular destination. and a "Placeholder" - One who occupies a position (enjoying the benefits of that position), with no thoughts toward advancement for themselves or others.

If we are called to be leaders we must be keenly aware of where and how were leading others. For we are responsible for our role in their journey. How we minister determines the type of leaders we are, for if ministry flows from the heart our hearts must be healed from every offense, for we minister out of that which is within. So it must be with holy fear that we disciple for we create with God's people a likeness of our internal nature in the lives of someone else.

So the question we all must ask of ourselves regarding our leadership is this - Does the condition of my heart qualify me as a "True leader" or a "Placeholder"?


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