Thursday, March 13, 2014


Myself and the wife were looking at our calendar today, trying to plan this year’s family vacations. While we were discussing a specific trip possibility, she asked the question – is this (trip) going to be in addition to camping this year or in lieu of? That got me to thinking of 2012’s campout; I had such a joyful experience with my family that I was compelled to record some thoughts from that day.

This camping trip started off horribly, it was so hot that my irritability brought my wife to the point of suggesting we pack up and go home! But after a few hours my heart softened and we redeemed the weekend. When people ask me why I love camping so much this is what comes to mind.

[From 2012] - Camping this weekend; I piled the kids in the back of the SUV, and with the hatch up – in full sail, we paraded through the campground all eyes upon us, progressing upon our mission for something as mundane as ice for the cooler. By neglect, there was some worship song playing on the radio; it was in this context that I felt God speak to me, “You’re blessed through your family”. It was in this of all moments that I had a revelation of the un-deserved blessing that has been imposed upon my life. It was here that I was king on the mountain; it was here that I knew only God can do this. Only He can take the lonely and insignificant and make them feel like a king in the midst of the most trivial of activities.

This is the power of the God I serve!


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