Friday, April 5, 2019

“Resting on the Mountain”.


Vision has the capacity to propel us forward into things we could only dream of, it is a double edged sword for it can cut us down if that vision is un-attained.

There is a point where we come to terms with who we are. One takes inventory of the recurring themes and practices that have dominated our life’s patterns. We choose our class despite our aspirations. We may yet look to the top of the mountain we feel destined to climb and even continue to strive after its peak. But we cannot ignore the lingering thought that we would find it acceptable if we never achieved any greater height.

When our desires transcend our means; for a time this is vision. If the vision is delayed a strange sickness occurs and we pierce ourselves with self-inflicted wounds.

One can choose to accept their station or continue to foolishly press forward chasing the winds of proverbial "vision".

Our unmet expectations become the source of our pain. When this state is maintained we only reveal our own pride-fullness and set ourselves upon the path to our own fall.

The choice set before us is thus: Will I continue in my striving and pierce myself with many pains? Or will I accept all that I am or am not? The answer will determine if we walk the road of bitterness or of inner peace.


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