Monday, March 4, 2019

“Guru Meditation Error”.


I recently found myself discussing some aspect of computer programming with a colleague. I don't quite know how we got on the particular subject of loosing ones work due to a computer crash, but he mentioned an antiquated error from some of the earlier systems he was familiar with. Hence -"Guru Meditation Error". This error frequently (as I understand it) resulted in the loss of ones total work. It was the hard stop, the reset, for all of ones efforts. The cure?  to re-boot and start over. It is with this in mind that I recall the events of the past year.

The past year has seen us through a season of difficulty and change, it has been marked by fractured relationships, the incarceration of close family, negative legal settlements, and a break from familiar community involvement. All of which has led to a peculiar kind of isolation.

Now entering 2019 the theme (by necessity) has become one of re-focusing, re-committing and re-establishing foundational priorities. It’s this shift that has not only brought a level of humility (that if I’m honest I’ve resisted) but also one of hope or better to say renewed faith.

There are some things that have remained constant; surprisingly so. Yet I wrestle with the question, am I following what is merely familiar and comfortable or are these inherent qualities? And if so – should they be?

2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”.

This is the launching pad for 2019. As we navigate forward into an unknown future my confidence is found in the One who has sustained me.


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