Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Gospel of blood".

Islamic extremism has been in the forefront of the news on an increasing basis, some would say that these acts of violence are the actions of a minority group within Islam. but the truth is that these "extremists" hold to the same text (the Koran) as "moderates"; and so whether the doctrines of Islam are acted upon or not, the fact remains that the gospel of Islam is a gospel of blood. It is bathed in the blood of those who would oppose its influence, who would decry its inherent violence.

An image uploaded on June 14, 2014 on the jihadist website Welayat Salahuddin allegedly shows militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executing dozens of captured Iraqi security forces members at an unknown location in the Salaheddin province. (AFP Photo)
Militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executing dozens of captured Iraqi security forces members at an unknown location in the Salaheddin province. (AFP Photo)

The gospel of Christ is also stained with blood.  yet it is not the blood of its enemies, nor is it the blood of sinners - of whom we all would qualify. no, this gospel is stained by the blood of our own Lord and Savior (not to neglect the blood of those who gave their lives for his cause).

Post-crucifixion scene from The Passion of the Christ (2004)

Body of Christian martyr with Bible placed on his back by the Muslim killers
Body of Christian martyr with Bible placed on his back by the Muslim killers

God being holy could justify requiring the blood of all, yet he chose to offer his perfect son in the stead of mankind. of those two gospels, one brings violence and death, the other brings life and peace. and yet for far to many the choice between the two is still one of difficulty. may the Lord have mercy and call all into his marvelous light.


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