Wednesday, January 13, 2016

“The future of Youth Ministry”.

Today I was asked the question, “Where do I see the youth ministry going in 2016”?

Now I can only speak from my experience serving with the youth ministry of our own local church; given that, there are two major areas I believe will be key for 2016 as it relates to youth ministry.

For the past 3 years our church has not had a youth pastor. This fact was and still is problematic for many parents and leaders. Yet in spite of the absence of a pastor the youth ministry leadership team has stepped up to not only fill that void but has also fostered the implementation of some things, that quite honestly may not have happened were a youth pastor in place. It seems that necessity IS the mother of invention. This situation has shown itself as a positive however, causing an influx of spiritual life and growth within the ministry. And I believe it signals one of two significant areas of change.

1)      I believe that 2016 will bring a complete structure change to traditional youth ministry. We will see a more entrepreneurial attitude in the youth. There will be more of a focus on what goes on outside the four walls of the youth ministry and the larger church. Youth will begin to seek opportunities to be used in ministry – giving out what has been put in them, vs. receiving what we’ve traditionally offered them. This shift will see young people become the new agents of the ministry and not the ministry’s focus, that focus will be shifted outward.

On the heels of this dynamic, or possibly as a result of; we are seeing more youth (specifically our young adults) step into leadership roles as those in “control” of the youth ministry make them available. More and more youth are no longer content to watch their leaders live out an example of Christian faith and witness; they (the youth) want to live out their own faith. Willingly embracing the “learning curve” that comes with being proactive in ministry. Today’s youth don’t want to be taught so much as guided along their own journey. To put it another way; the youth are going swimming in deep waters, they won’t wear life-jackets (their too restrictive) but they are asking us to be watchful life guards.

2)      I believe that 2016 will see more youth take a leadership role through various avenues (Again as the current leadership provides opportunities). These roles will manifest in (but not limited to):
a.       Creative teams assigned to special projects, anything from event planning to ministry outreaches to crafting the very ministry services within the larger church.

b.      Areas of service within the larger church body. We will see greater integration of our youth in positions that traditionally were held for adults only. I see this as a renewal of mentoring and discipleship.

c.       Outside ministries and community involvement in various social causes. This is key, because if we fail to create avenues for our youth to serve, be used and grow; they will gravitate to those who will. The adage "If you don’t use it you lose it" holds true here. We need to remember the youth will be the church in a handful of years. We cannot afford to lose them due to lack of opportunity!

In closing; I see these two major areas as coloring youth ministry in 2016. Old models and methodologies must be let go if we hope to accomplish God's goals for this year.we shouldn't fear this change - it is for the better, I am anticipating great things happening in youth ministry. 

As a leader I am reminded that it must be my goal to not only allow change to happen, but to be (one of many) a driving force behind that change. Our youth – the future leaders of the church, deserve no less!


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