Thursday, September 8, 2016


My wife and I are just exiting a long season of spiritual opposition. This opposition has manifested as closed doors toward ministry, financial struggles and natural situations and circumstances that were only designed to distract.The cumulative result this opposition has played in our lives has caused us to become stagnant.

Stagnation is defined as follows:
  • The state or condition of having stopped, as by ceasing to flow or run.
  • Foulness or staleness emanating from a standing pool of water.
  • Failure to develop, progress or advance.
  • The state or quality of being or feeling sluggish and dull.
 The only cure for stagnation is movement.

Having recognized the opposition, we have begun to take the necessary steps out of this valley. Our experience has taught us that the key indicator of stagnation is not so much the inactivity in a given area, but the response to that inactivity. for us we found that stagnation (the effects of) caused us to attack and criticize what we held dear. Like a cancer you begin to destroy the very things you once held dear. and once you destroy these things the paralysis of loss will keep you in a place of defeat.

There is hope however; if you have found yourself in a season of spiritual stagnation, there is a way of escape. One that has pulled me from the trenches of depression and defeat and set my feet back upon the firm path.

Friends; we can call upon our Father in a spirit of repentance. Calling Him back into our heart to displace the cares and distractions that have turned our eyes from our first love. He will stir the waters of our spirit, filling us again with fresh living water. Then you will begin to see things move and flow.

The enemy of our souls wants us to die a slow death in the shallow pool of stagnation.The Father would that we become rivers of living water; flowing, moving, and running down from His mountain. To be poured out upon a dry and thirsty land.


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