Sunday, January 19, 2014

"So - What's it all about"?

There are many things I believe; two of which will (hopefully) constitute the bulk of this blog.

First –It’s every man’s duty, honor, and privilege to know and serve the one true God. It is what we were created for among other things. We are not “superior animals”, we are spiritual beings with a purpose, and that purpose is to know God.

Second – If you are going to find God; that is, be in his presence; the best place is in the outdoors. Don’t get me wrong, I love church and the important role it plays in my life. Yet by experience I have found God speaks deeper and more profoundly when were alone together surrounded by his creation.

My name: Luther Von Miller III (doesn't that sound important!) I hail from the “mitten”; the outdoors man’s paradise that is Michigan. I am a husband as well as father to three girls and two “all boy” sons. Serving as an elder in my local church as well as continually pursuing theological education wherever it may lead me. I am not casual with my faith and practice. All this is in addition to trying to become a reasonably accomplished archer and outdoors man, hoping that whatever I do, my life will have pointed to Christ.

So what is this blog all about exactly?

Simply this; if I receive a word, impression, idea, or anything that I would consider spiritual in nature – I intend to share it if I believe that may help others in some way; even if all that is accomplished is causing someone to reflect on the things, or nature of God. So with all that’s been said; you can expect part devotional, diverse commentary (on all manner of interesting subjects) and maybe the occasional post concerning some newly discovered facet of bush craft just for good measure.

So stop by whenever you want. I’m sure we'll find something worth talking about. (P.S. Bring coffee!).


Anonymous said...

No serious biblical scholar would deny that Jesus' proclaimed the kingdom of God. However many scholars conclude that Jesus was not talking about our present world but rather an epoch in history that has not yet begun. What are you thoughts on this?

Luther Miller said...

Short answer - I would say the kingdom is present and future. present in that we - believers represent His kingdom (how effectively and truthfully is debatable) while here on this earth, in this time. We are ambassadors of The kingdom and should live and act accordingly. Yet The Kingdom is future in that Christ will return to rule and reign, and at that time his kingdom will be firmly established (regardless of how his people represented it).