Tuesday, April 22, 2014


1 Peter 1:5-7 (Paraphrased)

"Rejoice in the knowledge that you are set apart for salvation, when Christ returns. Even though time is required for Christ to perfect, establish, and strengthen us. For it may be necessary for us to suffer various trials, even when it is for doing good. It is through life’s trials that our faith is tested. And if we persevere we will get deserved praise, glory and honor at Christ’s return”.

The key component here is time; time is required to perfect, establish, and strengthen us. During this time we may suffer, yet it may very well be through these sufferings that we are perfected, established, and strengthened - provided we persevere in Christ! It is better that we suffer for doing good than evil, for when we do, we share in the same suffering as Christ. If we suffer as he did we can overcome as he did, by his spirit and by his example.

Sometimes it can feel that life is designed to kick our butts; as if the only point is to go from circumstance to hardship to struggle, and then repeat that cycle over again. Although I understand a component of life is testing (in the context of eternity); it is scriptures like these that help me keep my peace and joy. These Aide me in keeping my hardships in proper perspective, knowing that all trials are teachable and survivable.


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