Sunday, July 23, 2017

"Introduction to the Kingdom".

where do we begin?

If everything has a starting point then our kingdom journey thus far is no exception. From those small beginnings we have arrived to this first destination - The "Introduction to the kingdom".

We have always held to the philosophy that you teach what you know. As we learn and grow we invite you to come on the journey with us.

The takeaway from the following video is this:

The kingdom IS a literal government, as such it's structural order is comprised of four components:

  1. A King - Jesus Christ (See Isaiah 9:6-7)
  2. Subjects - People of all nations (You! - Everyone has the potential to be a part of His kingdom)
  3. Law - The law of God as revealed in the bible - The constitution of God's people.
  4. A Territory - The entire earth. Where God's people use their influence for His glory, the kingdom is manifested in that area. 

All things have a beginning, I pray that this may be yours.


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