Saturday, July 8, 2017

"Jumping Ship".

If you can imagine a ship stuck in port. Busy with preparation yet somehow it never embarks. The passengers, akin to seagoing residents of the "hotel California".

The temptation to jump ship is only experienced by those who are called toward the horizon. The complacent know nothing of these kind of impulses, they simply wait for the ship to embark; which it has historically never done.

So if you are one to whom the horizon calls, I offer this advice. Know that if you jump, you place yourself at the risk of drowning. Yet despite personal peril, it may be more beneficial to drown on your way toward the horizon than to stay in port, gazing into the unreachable distance which calls to your heart.

For all the days you are separate from the hearts true place of residence are only a cold sort of death. Like a warm blanket on a cold day its comfort and security will slowly draw upon your strength until you are no longer capable of answering the call of the distant horizon. And in that day of bitter discovery the ship in port will be revealed as your eternal prison.

So if you are of the called, then my advice is to jump. Brave the chill waters, face the unknown. Take this action now while you have the fortitude to do so. Yes, you may drown. You may fail. But you may succeed. The alternative is to live a life wasted and bitter - gazing into the "could've been".


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