Sunday, December 31, 2017

"Judgement & Resolution".

Two sundays ago I read the following passage.

Psalm 102:3-7 (HCSB)

"For my days vanish like smoke,
and my bones burn like a furnace.
My heart is afflicted, withered like grass;
I even forget to eat my food.
Because of the sound of my groaning,
my flesh sticks to my bones.
I am like a desert owl,
like an owl among the ruins.
I stay awake;
I am like a solitary bird on a roof".

In response I found myself writing the following in the margin of my bible: 

"This is my sanctuary; Where dreams are sacrificed on the alter of neccesity. favor has turned to shame. My name changed to outcast, to Ronin. My worship is heard in the wilderness; only those there can see. Yet they cease to look toward Heaven" 

As you can imagine my frame of mind is revealed in that response. 2017 has been a challenging, transitory season. As we (my family and I) have moved from one paradigm into another we have seen - or rather, been shown - many things. Of these lessons one seems apropriate to share; it is this:

"The foundation of my life is revealed in my response to Christ".

This, the statement that is shaping my outlook for 2018. King Herod was not remembered for his contributions to the roman state. Such as his expansion of the Second Temple in Jerusalem (Herod's Temple), The construction of the port at Caesarea, and the fortress at Masada. His political advancements are relegated to the corners of history were few travel. No; Herod is imortalized in our minds as the king who attempted to slay the Christ child. Herod is remembered for his response to Christ. All humanity is not exempt from this same reality. Our very lives are a testimony to how we have responded, either positively or negatively, to Christ.

What concerns me the most regarding my written response to scripture is this, "Yet they cease to look toward heaven". Of those who dwell in the wilderness places of life (of whom I am one) I see many whose response to Christ and His kingdom is one of indifference. To me this is tragic. For one to see and to hear and yet remain unchagened is a picture of death. Life moves, ever changing, flowing all around creation and wisdom speaks increasing knowledge. Despite all this the dead remain unchagened, immovable, still.

Yet there is hope. Just as John the Baptist preached in the wilderness there was life - the offering of genuine life - awaiting those who responded to the message of the kingdom; Christs message. It is my sincere desire that for this new year those who dwell in the wilderness will "look toward Heaven" and respond to Christ in such a way that your entire lifes paradigm is changed. Abandon the silence of the grave of inactivity in exchange for a vibrant life of realized destiny.

This is my mission. To respond to Christ in such a way that my life points not to myself, not to my achivements or talents; but to the one I call Lord. For all the days I am assigned to the wilderness, I will lift my eyes and walk the roads that are set before me.

This is my resoulution; I pray it is yours.


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