Sunday, January 14, 2018

"Squeezing Lemons".

"The only way to know the quality of the juice is to squeeze the lemon".

This statement characterizes the season I am experiencing. As my family is weeks away from moving into our newly built home, I am conscious of not only the physical transition but what this move means for our future as a people of faith also.

This season was initiated through following the spirits leading. It reminds me of the parable of the "Pearl of great price" - We (my wife and I) have given up everything in pursuit of a new direction, no longer content to wander in the wilderness of religion. We have chosen to walk in the way of faith. Our attitude is either we will completely fail or people will stand in amazement at what is being accomplished through us. There is no in-between.

So back to lemons. This new season sounds very exciting. Its all new, dreaming and exploring the details of vision as we pursue our destiny. What we have found ourselves unprepared for was the squeezing of this transitory season. You see if the Lord is preparing you for something, and you submit to His process; then He has an obligation to prepare you for your assignment. We were not ready! And so this season has been one of squeezing; of testing and tempering. We both have been pressed in a myriad of ways most of which has been uncomfortable and speaking for myself; has challenged my resolve on more than one occasion.

I have learned things about myself that I never guessed would've been a part of my makeup. I have seen attitudes displayed that are unbecoming a believer. I have been made fully aware of my inadequacies before the Lords standards. I have also never been closer to my wife. Nor have I ever experienced a greater sense of family bonding than in this season. There have been many lessons learned and no doubt many more will follow. Do I feel prepared for the assignment ahead? honestly No I do not, but I think that's a good place to be. Dependent vs. independent.

My take away for this season is thus; for me to achieve and walk in the assignment that has been laid out before me I must yield to the molding process. I must allow The Lord to mold me into His vessel and no matter how uncomfortable this process is I am looking forward to the "lemonade" that follows.


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