Monday, February 17, 2014

“Amazing Grace”.

When contemplating the fact of Christ’s work on the cross, (His death and resurrection) which is foundational to the Christian faith - a fact that every believer knows; yet what does this mean to me? How is the reality of Christ’s death made real to me personally?

First there is the fact of God the Father being omniscient (all knowing), now before the incarnation, God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit were (are) one. This means that Christ knew me before I was born!

He knew the type of person I would be – and still He chose to die for me.

He knew I would reject His presence for fellowship with the world and still He chose to die for me.

He knew I would be driven by lust – using and abusing others for my own selfish pleasure and still He chose to die for me.

He knew I would impute a myriad of intoxicating elements upon my flesh, having my passions driven by anger and every form of bitterness, and yet still He chose to die for me.

This reality of grace and love I cannot comprehend. It is truly amazing. For in my humanness I would withhold my blessings to all except those I deem worthy. But Jesus gave the ultimate blessing – and the ultimate sacrifice for me in the face of all my sin and failures. And so the question I ask myself is this: how can I live so that the Lord’s sacrifice would be (for my life) justified? Is my response to the greatest of all gifts one of overflowing gratitude or cold indifference? Will I live for the one who died for me, or will I be as one dead toward Him that now lives?


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